For SEO purposes duplicate page titles is a headache the following hack will solve the problem.
open the file:
in line 50 add the following code:
/*START: Page title override */
$doc =& JFactory::getDocument();
$meta_description = $doc->getMetaData("description");
$meta_keywords = $doc->getMetaData("keywords");
$Unique_page_title = $doc->getTitle()." ".$pages;
$Unique_page_description = $meta_description." - ".$pages;
$Unique_page_keywords = $meta_keywords.",".$pages;
$doc->setMetaData( 'description', $Unique_page_description );
$doc->setMetaData( 'keywords', $Unique_page_keywords );
/*END: Page title override */
the above code will generate unique page titles, description and keywords to your article list pages. example "Category Name Page 1 of 10".
Now search engines can index your article listing by page.
Note you can customize the code above by modifying the $Unique_page_title variable.